Extreme weather is resulting in more extreme temperatures, weather, and natural disasters such as hurricanes, wildfires, droughts and flooding. These events in addition to extreme weather have an impact on children and pregnant people’s health. The WSPEHSU strives to bring awareness to this public health issue and has developed material on the health effects of extreme weather.
To learn more about wildfires and how they are an increasing problem due to weather change, visit the WSPEHSU webpage on wildfires.

Resources created by WSPEHSU on Extreme Weather and Health
This factsheet on extreme weather and pregnancy includes an overview of the health effects of extreme weather on pregnancy, including health risks and advice.
Extreme Weather and Pregnancy: Risks, Mitigation, Adaptation, and Resilience
This scientific paper on extreme weather and pregnancy was written based on the above factsheet. The paper provides a more in-depth analysis on risks, mitigation, adaptation and resilience as they relate to extreme weather.
2023 Symposium on Heat: Impacts on Children and Pregnancy
WSPEHSU and Cal EPA cohosted a symposium series on heat and its health effects on children and pregnancy. The four sessions included the following topics:
- Pediatric physiology and the epidemiology of heat health effects in children
- Pregnancy physiology and the epidemiology of heat health effects in pregnant people
- Strategies to combat health effects of heat in children and during pregnancy
- Heat health warning systems and important considerations for children and pregnant people
More Resources on Extreme Weather
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Extreme Weather, Health, and Equity: A Guide for Local Health Departments
This guide is authored by the Public Health Institute with support from APHA, the Kresge Foundation, and the California Department of Public Health. It includes overviews of weather science, health impacts of extreme weather and how health equity fits into the equation. It discusses what local health departments can do to include extreme weather and health equity into assessment and surveillance, intersectoral collaboration, community engagement and education, weather and health communications, preparedness and more. This companion U.S. brief, released by APHA and The Lancet, hones in on the health impacts of extreme weather in America.