James Earl Schier Nolan, MPH, is the Associate Director of the WS PEHSU. Mr. Nolan graduated from Seattle University, double majoring in Sociology and Gender Studies, and from UC Berkeley with a Masters of Public Health, specializing in social determinants of health disparities associated with racism, classism, sexism and geography. He focuses on engaging community members in addressing social determinants of health and structural violence overlap to influence environmental injustices, with an emphasis on diversifying STEM fields and harnessing local assets through community based participatory research (CBPR). This approach helps to build awareness, expand capacity and engages community members in co-designing more relevant and effective health interventions. He has managed several participatory action-driven research projects including the COSECHA Study on Latine teens’ exposures to pesticides during puberty, the LUCIR Study on Latines’ exposures to carcinogens in cleaning products during their normal cleaning routines, the Richmond Youth Air Quality Initiative on intra-neighborhood air pollution disparities, helped coordinate the AIM Study on indoor air pollution from gas stoves, and leads community outreach projects including organizational partnerships, trainings, presentations, workshops, website development and multimedia including a Spanish Radio Novella series, a bilingual animated PSA mini-series, a mural and a zine.